Hello All!!
Thank you for helping create a day FULL of joy, happiness, love, gratitude, compassion, sharing and MORE. You are all amazing people who I am lucky to have in my life. Thank you. Thank you for sharing pieces of you in hopes of making the day a little brighter. Whether making it better for yourself, or someone else: The World Is Brighter Because of YOU.
Thank you.
[<a href="http://storify.com/nikki2987/positivethurs-week-53" target="_blank">View the story "#PositiveThurs - Week 53!" on Storify</a>]<h1>#PositiveThurs - Week 53!</h1><h2></h2><p>Storified by Nikki2987 · Fri, Jun 01 2012 10:55:04</p><div>Waking up with the hugest smile on my face. Anticipating a fantastic weekend. #PositiveThurs http://pic.twitter.com/I00BLro4Andrea Waters</div><div>the determination to do never conquers the passion to win #positivethursAngela Rafuse</div><div>RT @BroadmeadBakery: Feeling lucky that I am in a community who cares about each other. #PositiveThursdayShopLocalVI</div><div>Good #PositiveThurs morning, BP’ers! This is the day we share what makes us happy, smile or appreciate, and tweet about it!Boston Pizza Saanich</div><div>"Sisters"(in a classroom after school waiting to be picked up). #PositiveThursday http://pic.twitter.com/X0IWdnIMThe Broadmead Bakery</div><div>#positivethurs shout out to my amazing @breathe_now founders @toots11 @YukariP @janniaragon #inspiring #women who enrich my lifeAngela Rafuse</div><div>I have a meeting this am that I a nervous about but it is #PositiveThurs so I will see it as an opportunity to have an open mind.Dana Sibley</div><div>One of Victoria's best! Playfair Park. Garry Oak Meadow. And often artists working. Shhh! Don't tell! http://ow.ly/i/FcWm #positivethursLaurel Hounslow</div><div>Along came a BIG DOG#positivethursday http://pic.twitter.com/0kH7pIMRThe Broadmead Bakery</div><div>#PositiveThursday #justsayin lil sis had twin grlz "dragons," arrived safely last sat and i get 2 c them 2day! freash babies #parenthoodjudy Woo</div><div>#positivethurs to @petermansbridge. Since Nolton Nash, pillar of Canadian journalism #childhood memories of my gram watching late newsAngela Rafuse</div><div>First wild roses of the season. #positivethurs http://ow.ly/i/FcZoLaurel Hounslow</div><div>High point of week: visit by K, BP server who married her dream- & came back to show off some1 special! #PositiveThurs http://pic.twitter.com/LvyXc4PSBoston Pizza Saanich</div><div>Don't miss the most beloved ritual of Afternoon Tea in #yyj @FairmontEmpress. I'll enjoy #RoyalTea tomorrow that makes my #PositiveThursday!Kathleen Burton</div><div>My #positivethursday mojo is being stifled by the negativity that is mathematics.Baillie Scheetz</div><div>#PositiveThursday My daughter has photographs in a school fine arts exhibit YAY!!!!Darlene D</div><div>Someone thought it was a good idea to wake me up at 4am, I was not a fan. #positivethurs http://pic.twitter.com/ql6iOVCDBecky Knight</div><div>@nikki2987 I am deeply flawed, but I never give up on my commitment to be more and better. #PositiveThurs #yyj #nanaimoSustainably Lush</div><div>@sustainablylush Thank you for your honest answer! I love it!! :) :) #PositiveThurs #yyj #nanaimoNikki2987</div><div>@TatoCarello DEFINITELY #PositiveThursday! Not all of us can get booze'd up all the timeGennaro Bonafede</div><div>“Be the change you want to see in the world.” M.Gandhi #PositiveThurs http://yfrog.com/h81hmywjStefanie Yao</div><div>I JUST WON A VIDEO CAMERA! #ILoveMyLife #TodayIsAlreadyAwesome #PositiveThursNikki2987</div><div>1. It's a new day! 2. Every morning my commute starts with someone making space for me on West Burnside. Thanks, #YYJ! #PositiveThursShannon W</div><div>Today shall be a good day #PositiveThursday albert.C™ </div><div>Sad to say farewell to one. But so lucky to have them! #PositiveThurs #loves http://pic.twitter.com/7YorcQfABritt F-haugh</div><div>@BPSaanich @hotradioguy @BroadmeadBakery @VicCarpetCare @SeasideTimes @SocialMediaSean #PositiveThurs gr8 day all!Kristina</div><div>Thankful for a man who is bathing our son or rather sitting on the loo with a geetar and playing rolling stones classic #positivethursdayVictoria Mom</div><div>#PositiveThursday True Value Grocery in Cordova Bay #yyj! When you shop & the clerk asks where you want your 1% to go, say @VictoriaHospice!Victoria Hospice</div><div>If you have strong determination you can be whatever you want to be! #PositiveThurs http://pic.twitter.com/WjhsBv8aRuss Sheriff</div><div>@bmeckie you are one of my favorite things, sis! And we both LOVE my favorite thing!!!! ; ) #positivethursJosh</div><div>When things don't go right, go left. #Persistence is the name of the game, friends! #PositiveThursKate Fassel</div><div>Today better be a good day, today is going to be a good day, I can feel it already #PositiveThursday http://4sq.com/JvWkLHRd Berain</div><div>Thinks that make me happy #patiobeers Can't wait to do this tonight #PostiveThurs http://pic.twitter.com/ETgkKIDaKim Quibell</div><div>It's good not to be moody anymore now. #postivethursdayPhua Shi Ling</div><div>#PositiveThursday to my faves: @CoastRealtyGrp @GetaGoGo @WCDailyDeals @details_paint @JeepGirlsRule @svealew @rantingincr @hanspetermeyer !shalyn.</div><div>Nana's house for dinner tonight! Homemade authentic Italian food & a visit with one of the best ladies I know :) #PositiveThurs #excitedmonica michelle</div><div>I'm grateful for Montrealers with green thumbs - side streets looking simply exquisite these days! #positivethurs http://pic.twitter.com/gZZ5gKTdRose Jang</div><div>Started the day watching sea lions playing! Figured it was a gr8 start to #PositiveThurs right?!Kristina</div><div>Fill your summer with healthy living, nutrition, and inspiration starting with Keane2BeNourished tonight! #PositiveThurs #yyjAmanda Chan</div><div>@sustainablylush @bmeckie I LOVE Mr.Pickles. He is definitely a highlight of #PositiveThurs!! :)Nikki2987</div><div>#PositiveThurs My sweet little girl turns SEVEN this weekend & I figured out how to make #AngryBirds Cake Pops http://pic.twitter.com/m1ZgIg8aMelanie Z</div><div>@Nikki2987 Mr ... Pickles?! O_o OK, fine, it's a cute name for a cute kitty. ;) #PositiveThurs /cc @bmeckieSustainably Lush</div><div>Hey @nikki2987 , thanks for being awesome and spreading #PositiveThurs!Kirsty Sheldon</div><div>@Nikki2987 Whoa - this #PositiveThurs things seems really cool....putting on thinking cap. Be back shortly!Igloo Prebuilt Homes</div><div>#PositiveThurs http://pic.twitter.com/BxmHmhSmKim Garnett</div><div>We are thankful, on this #PositiveThurs, that the Flames got a new coach. Hopefully when we play them it will now be a challenge. ;) #yegIgloo Prebuilt Homes</div><div>A perfect example of #PositiveThurs in motion is @Cookie100list. He is putting himself out there by making the most of the rest of 2012Radhika Khan</div><div>Scratching things off the ever-lengthening to do list today! #PositiveThursTikki Butcher</div><div>Yellow irises and lotus blossoms warm my soul #PositiveThurs #seattle http://twitpic.com/9rf30cJanet Moody</div><div>Tahnks, Nikki! And, for starting #positiveThurs @Nikki2987 @kirstysheldon @scwink @hotel_goddess @scribbler9 @SocMedGirlyyjjanniaragon</div><div>RT @Nikki2987: I AM IN A FANTASTIC MOOD! HOLY MOLY I LOVE LIFE! #PositiveThursKim Quibell</div><div>Smile at everyone you see today!! #PositiveThursDarcie Nolan</div><div>THIS is my #PositiveThurs!!! http://pic.twitter.com/IjW564QBDarcie Nolan</div><div>HA! Talk about #PositiveThurs! My dentist appointment got cancelled! No frozen face for me!Kirsty Sheldon</div><div>@sandyhubbard @Nikki2987 @CinziaRolling @JohnKyp @Jamieprints @iPresort @MiriamGomberg Thanks f4 being awesome! #PositiveThurs Thank you allGary S. Hart</div><div>RT @Hockey_runner Smile at everyone you see today!! #PositiveThursBrannenLake Campsite</div><div>#PositiveThurs I went for a 4 hour walk with him today and got stopped by so many people! #cutebaby http://pic.twitter.com/QL2dkwajKelly Latour</div><div>@Nikki2987 That's so awesome! I saw one eating a crab on the rocks once - so cool to watch! Have a fabulous #PositiveThurs!!!!!!Kristina</div><div>@Nikki2987 We are so thankful for all our great employees like Brittney, Adriana, Richard and so many more! #PositiveThursIgloo Prebuilt Homes</div><div>@Nikki2987 I meant to use #PositiveThurs on the pic I posted of tonight's hike up Mt. Doug! Boo!Cait Flanders</div><div>No one, I'd say! ;) RT @blondeonabudget: How could anybody be in a bad mood up here? #yyj http://instagr.am/p/LUGvuhAXAQ/ #PositiveThursNikki2987</div><div>So much to be grateful for this week, including Harbourside #Rotary of Victoria, @VIcTransAuto and all of you! #PositiveThursThe Cridge Centre</div><div>We are very thankful for our Better Business Bureau Torch Award. #PositiveThurs #yyjParker Johnston</div><div>@Nikki2987 Cute little kids who come for their first dental appointment and leave smiling. That is great. #PositiveThursSaanich Dental</div><div>having a cuddle buddy Tess when you're feeling under the weather #PositiveThurs http://pic.twitter.com/aHEbZAO2Jaime Lee</div><div>Perfect for #PositiveThurs RT @heyfriesen: My love @LindsayDianne is my saving grace.Saanich Dental</div><div>@SaanichDental @LindsayDianne #PositiveThurs prevails! It pays huge to be positive in life.HEY Friesen</div><div>Found all the volunteers I needed for Buccaneer Days in less than 24hrs. I am seriously in love with this town! #PositiveThursAlison Gaul</div><div>island hopping ♥ letting #butterflies lead me where they may #PositiveThurs http://pic.twitter.com/yqrawH9AJaime Lee</div><div>@Nikki2987 Thanx 4 starting something awesome @sandyhubbard @cinziarolling @johnkyp @salesdujour @jamieprints @miriamgomberg #PositiveThursiPresort</div><div>My #PositiveThurs goes out to #youthpol #uvicjanniaragon</div><div>#PositiveThurs "Choose your goals not for the fame and fortune, but because that is what makes your heart sing!" ~ Natalie WarneKim Garnett</div><div>How cute are they? http://instagr.am/p/LUl_z0F6av/Nicole Baldwin</div><div>@SalesDuJour You're awesome! Thanks. @sandyhubbard @nikki2987 @cinziarolling @johnkyp @jamieprints @miriamgomberg #PositiveThursiPresort</div><div>RT @PJRoofing: We are very thankful for our Better Business Bureau Torch Award. #PositiveThurs #yyjRoger Whitson</div><div>Haven't been this excited in a very long time!! #PositiveThurs to moving forward and making some sweet ass lemonade with life's lemons! :pSara Emily</div><div>If I die from cramps in my sleep, I can rest assured that at least Gibson will be here to eat me. http://instagr.am/p/LUkWdVM1jN/Rachael Elizabeth</div><div>The last few days have not been great but I'm thankful that I have a fabulous boyfriend and such great supportive friends! #PositiveThursErika Palmer</div><div>We are thankful for orgs and people that work towards a positive #yyj #community - @lisahelps @VicMicroLending @VIPIRG #PositiveThursunitedeclectic</div><div>So excited to stay @sookeharbourhse soon :) #positiveThursNadine Trinh</div><div>My ruby slippers are by the door and ready to go!! http://instagr.am/p/LUkE-ggpgT/Chelsea Rose Tucker</div><div>#CoastSaver fares are back tomorrow! Visit family & friends for less Fri-Mon until June 25th! #PositiveThurs http://goo.gl/zCasY ^ldBC Ferries</div><div>Support downtown Victoria!This #shoplocal weekJune 1-10#ShopLocalVictoria pass it on to all your friends#PositiveThurs ❤������☀Mangos Boutique</div><div>So excited and proud to see my daughter's prom parade through downtown #QualicumBeach this Saturday. #PositiveThurs #parentingRenée Layberry</div><div>Just posted a photo http://instagr.am/p/LUbFRED4im/terri</div><div>“@djgstarr416: About 2 chief it up ! I mean #lol” About 2 blaze it up ! #PositiveThursVince Price</div><div>Said goodbye to a retiree today at #camosun, lucky to have worked with her #positivethursCamosun Alumni</div><div>Today, I just wanted to mention I like you a lot. #PositiveThurs /cc @interacter @donpower @upyourmedia @Nikki2987Sustainably Lush</div><div>Just posted a photo @ Dallas Road Log Beach http://instagr.am/p/LUaxB8HyEy/olive meat</div><div>Working with some really cool folks for the @SocMediaCamp trade show! It's gonna be awesome. #PositiveThursMelanie Friebel</div><div>Back atchya... RT @scribbler9: Working with some really cool folks for the @SocMediaCamp trade show! It's gonna be awesome. #PositiveThursSocial Media Camp</div><div>Love this! I'm taking this as a 'sign' #PositiveThurs RT @SusanJones: Don't look back you are not going that way (#yyj sign)Sara Park</div><div>Good times. Thanks #tectoria! #viatec http://instagr.am/p/LUZjBORqi6/Jaime</div><div>this #PositiveThurs goes to @b_West and @SusanJones plus everyone who joined into #YYJChatMat Wright</div><div>Soon to have a houseful of happy young kids. The future. #PositiveThursTikki Butcher</div><div>Just entered to win air fare to London, England today #PositiveThurs thinking of all my friends who live there who make me smile :-)Tiff C</div><div>Hi duuur @jklap1 @qtbea http://instagr.am/p/LUXdSTLxw7/krissy louie ❤</div><div>Nothing like some #retailtherapy to make this thurs a #PositiveThursh a l e e m a </div><div>We're seeing so many happy/positive tweets about children today. Thank you #PositiveThurs! #happycommunity #yyjColquitz Theatre</div><div>My baby bro is 33 today!!! #PositiveThursGianni</div><div>I made a new friend tonite: http://instagr.am/p/LUVY20TAhC/Rachel Perkins</div><div>To love, and the potential of love :-) #PositiveThursMartin Ramirez</div><div>@Positive_Thurs @LisaaLandry is awesome #positivethursAnn Evanston</div><div>Good friends. A blessing #PositiveThursRita Chand</div><div>Heron vs. Eel - Sidney edition: http://instagr.am/p/LUULuzTAgh/Rachel Perkins</div><div>Today has been a good day, freebees from the lost & found, passed my road test, two parcels in the mail and a special dinner! #positivethursBecky Knight</div><div>YES!! @Adrian_Charlie just said I looked 24!! I'm actually almost 36!!!!! THAT calls for a #PositiveThursGianni</div><div>“@WilI_Smith: Stop looking for reasons to be unhappy. Focus on the things you do have, and the reasons you should be happy.” #PositiveThursTanya Barnes</div><div>Three boats #yyj http://instagr.am/p/LUMv1gEv-8/Craig Vanderlinden</div><div>We have amazing students, parents, & school - it takes a school community to raise a play! :) #teamwork #BugsMaloneJr #PositiveThursColquitz Theatre</div><div>We see light under those grey clouds, off on the horizon! #PositiveThurs! Here's another beacon of light: #BurgerandBeer only $12.99Boston Pizza Saanich</div><div>A #PositiveThurs s/o to the positive thurs queen @Nikki2987 !!! not only are you amazing, but so is your voice!!! #hotdamnh a l e e m a </div><div>Just posted a photo http://instagr.am/p/LUJ7KDmvfH/Tessa Heggart</div><div>My #PositiveThurs goes out to the special group of awesome #yyj tweeps supporting/retweeting/donating 2 @GiveATweetYYJ #JDRF #gratefulElizabeth Prins </div><div>He may be a jerk sometimes (yeah I said it!) but @chefcamt is a great support to me through a tough time these days #PositiveThursErika Palmer</div><div>just been blamed 4 helping friend feel better..I'll take the blame every day of the week! #positivethurs Yeah!ITT Wilson's Tours</div><div>Something in the way. @ Gorge Bridge http://instagr.am/p/LUBLyvqcw8/Tyler Hauser</div><div>My #PositiveThurs tweet this week is about trying something new! I did it tonight with my #WeightWatchers group & it was a success!Kirsty Sheldon</div><div>An evening out with my dd @BalletVictoria #PositiveThursDana Sibley</div><div>Thankful that we live in a place where we complain about the weather rather than if we'll see our children alive tonight. #PositiveThursThe Broadmead Bakery</div><div>Bridge. http://instagr.am/p/LUCcNZSct0/Quinn Manley</div><div>@Positive_Thurs Beat part of today: snuggling with my son. #PositiveThursKatharine Holmes</div><div>My inspirational couples for a great love story: @CrispinArt and @bcbeautygirl as well as @gianniguessguy and @uknowkevin #PositiveThursMartin Ramirez</div><div>Hello! <3 RT @Nikki2987: "I'm in your #PositiveThurs stream, come join me!" - My ADORABLE boyfriendSean Charles</div><div>Beautiful: the time I got out of bed this morning. And double beautiful: my view when I woke up. #mayphotoad http://instagr.am/p/LUA_LJQV-H/Jessica Bender</div><div>I am loving my classes. It's a great feeling, to finally know what I wanna do/be. :) #positivethursChristine Vivier</div><div>#PositiveThurs: It's been a challenging week but my friends & lover have been beyond awesome. GRATITUDE & LOVE!Sean Charles</div><div>Today was not such a #positivethurs for me. Hopefully next Thursday will be better!Rob McGahen</div><div>Just posted a photo http://instagr.am/p/LT7Lz0m-bM/Kelly </div><div>Yes it's true. @Nikki2987 is the best thing to happen to Thursdays since forever! Happy #PositiveThurs Nikki!Sean Charles</div><div>@Nikki2987 oh man almost missed #PositiveThurs! best part was sitting & having coffee with good friend #smiles! :) #yyj #nanaimoTracey </div><div>@Nikki2987 Comforting a variety of distraught folks + playing 45 min. Rehearsal for small audience - power of music #PositiveThursColin Newell</div><div>Welcome to Sarah's Place. May I take your order? #fb http://instagr.am/p/LT4WT6n7yU/Sarah Kramer</div><div>Sangria & friends at Tapa Bar, perfect treat after class :) #yyj #PositiveThursh a l e e m a </div><div>Excited for next 3 days! Pedicure, training, kegger, volunteering... Pretty much the gist of my life. #PositiveThursJackie T</div><div>Thankful that my business is providing #yummyforthetummy items rather than dealing with sickness and draining issues. #PositiveThursThe Broadmead Bakery</div><div>My favorite pony bum http://instagr.am/p/LT1yG7qOFN/Ashley Evans</div><div>Buzz for Tapa Bar: http://schmap.it/cqoMcg - RT @_haleemz Sangria & friends at Tapa Bar, perfect treat after class :) #yyj #PositiveThursVictoria Picks</div><div>#PositiveThurs @brookyp1 made me feel cared for today. Thank you :)The Broadmead Bakery</div><div>16 years ago today one of my most favourite people was born, happy anniversary of birth to my cousin Jagr Boon ♥ #SOmuchlove #PositiveThursJaime Lee</div><div>Why are you in a bathtub?! I think the more important question is why aren't you!? http://instagr.am/p/LTyU1ND_uO/April Dawn</div><div>I believe in love ♥ #gratitudeattitude #PositiveThursJaime Lee</div><div>Two days off and Maddy Page! Let my weekend begin :) #PositiveThursBritt F-haugh</div><div>Three day weekend and a wedding on Saturday!! #positivethursTaylor C</div><div>He thinks I don't know that he gets into trouble while I'm gone... But I know. http://instagr.am/p/LTnL7cD_nm/Devan Skolski</div><div>BIG heartfelt feelings of LOVE to @arkayla78 for her sisterhood friendship that continues to enrich my life w #SOmuchlove #PositiveThursJaime Lee</div><div>Bahahaha, hilarious night out, #girlsnight #PositiveThurs not gonna be excited for class tomorrow ...h a l e e m a </div><div>having my own personal @DixieChicks concert (on dvd) & singing along w every song, reliving memories of seeing them live #PositiveThursJaime Lee</div><div>I love a good daschund snuggle! #fb http://instagr.am/p/LTjTEhn72n/Sarah Kramer</div><div>Celebrated some great Vancouver Island technology companies at the #VIATeC awards dinner tonight. #PositiveThursPaul Holmes</div><div>I'd like to thank @Nikki2987 for her amazing brilliance in starting #PositiveThurs & reminding me to focus on #gratitudeattitude #madrespectJaime Lee</div><div>Just posted a photo http://instagr.am/p/LTjcOtEIS4/Darren Sales</div>