Friday, February 1, 2013

A Few of my Favorite Things: #PositiveThurs - Week 88

There are a bunch of things that make #PositiveThurs special for me.
Other than the obvious: "These people are taking  a moment out of their day to be positive."

These are a few of my favorite things:

I'm a visual person. So when people post pictures, I connect with them on such a deep level. Be it a quote, or Mr.Pickles. :)

 Another thing I love is when people from my offline life post a #PositiveThurs post.

I worked with Tanya YEARS ago, but it was so awesome to reconnect because of Social Media. (I'm also glad to hear that life is so good!

Then you get tweets like this that make you laugh, snort-giggle and wonder how good that must have felt.

What is one of your favorite things about #PositiveThurs? What keeps you coming back for more?

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