Friday, May 11, 2012

#PositiveThurs - Week 50! (wow!)

I know I'm normally pretty open... but I'm going to be totally open with you right now.
Yesterday was a shitty day. I was crazy busy at work, feeling stressed out, had to go to an appointment for some test results at night and just overall was not enjoying the day. What got me through it was everytime I was REALLY ready to lose it, someone would do a #PositiveThurs tweet and @ mention me so it would pop up on the screen of my iPhone. It's amazing that this thing I dreamed up almost 1 year ago, where my original intent was to share and spread love to better OTHER peoples lives actually ended up being something that betters my life. I'm blessed by the community that has grown to be. I am just having a moment of true appreciation. You all touch me. I read EVERY SINGLE #PositiveThurs, #PostiveThurs, #PositveThurs, #PositiveThursday, #PostiveThursday, #PositveThursday... ETC tweet. I don't want to miss a single one!
Anyway, enough about how awesome you are for me ;) - Let's show you what you created yesterday!!

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