Friday, February 22, 2013

A few of my favorite things: #PositiveThurs Week 91!

Well, after a 1-week hiatus, WE'RE BACK!

I was on 'stay-cation' (a vacation where you stay in town) and ended up being busier than ever! Thanks for your understanding and thanks to those who participated in spite of my lack of reminders! You are so awesome!!

If I'm being honest, there are quite a few things that tug at my heart strings. When I saw this tweet from Tikki, it tugged particularly hard.

Isn't it amazing how it feels to feel thankful for the things in our lives that would normally be taken for granted? Like standing in the sunshine, or laughing with a friend.

There is also something to be sad about reading #PositiveThurs tweets from people you're getting to know better. Like this one from Melanie:

LIKE SERIOUSLY WOMAN!?! I get to surround myself with people like this. No wonder my heart is constantly full of love. Passion. *happy sigh*

I feel like I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't feature Becky's #PositiveThurs tweet about a baby panda learning to walk. Yeah. LEARNING TO WALK! *SO CUTE*

Thank you for all your awesome contributions! Here are the awesome and amazing tweets from yesterday in a little slideshow:

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